Unicornio y Yeti 3: Amigos geniales (Friends Rock)


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Magical friends Unicorn and Yeti love to share!

A Yeti le encanta columpiarse, y Unicornio quisera hacerlo también.A Unicornio le encantan los melocotones, y Yeti quisiera comer uno.Unicornio y Yeti encuentran una piedra brillante. Ambos quisieran llevársela a casa.¿Podrán estos amigos mágicos descubrir cómo compartir? ¡Estas divertidísimas historias con arte colorido y texto fácil de leer son perfectas para lectores principiantes!Yeti loves playing on the swing. Unicorn would like a turn.Unicorn loves eating peaches. Yeti would like to try one.Unicorn and Yeti find a sparkly rock. They would both like to take it home.Can these magical friends discover how to share? These laugh-out-loud stories with full-color artwork and easy-to-read text throughout are perfect for new readers!